Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sorry its been so long :(

We've been trying to update as much as possible, but with our crazy lives we haven't had much time to do anything.
We all got sick with the stomach flu just barely about 4 days ago. I was the first one to get it, and let me tell you I hate getting the flu. I'm just barely starting to feel better. Then my mom got the flu and she is sick in bed, Joe got it yesterday night , and has been feeling crappy all day. I don't know, will see how this one pans out.

Anyways on with the update!

Joe is still working at Walmart and enjoys doing what he does. He has been spending a lot of time with Raylee and I, and we love ever second of it. He actually has been Raylee's favorite for the last month, she has not wanted him to leave the room or even move away from her for more than a minute or else she screams and gets mad, I guess we know now that she is a daddy's girl! :) Joe is also excited for his first Christmas with Raylee and I, its finally feeling like our own little family is taking place, and its good to feel like we're becoming one. Now all I need to focus on is getting him the perfect gift.

I've been working, working, working, around the house like a normal homemaker does. Beside the little bump that has been in the road the last four days I've been trying to do my best to keep on track all though I find that I'm no use when I'm sick.

Joe and I had a date night on the night that I got sick which was tuesday, and we rented movies the day before so we watched them together. That is very rare for Joe and I to get time together, because the only time we have is when Raylee is asleep so we cherish those moments so much.

Raylee is still growing like a weed of course, and she is a very happy baby. She went into the doctors 2 weeks ago and had her shots, and that night she ran a fever of 101.6, thankfully I gave her some infants tylenol and her fever broke but that was the most horrible night for me. Other than that here was her stats;

Weight: 15lbs 1oz
Height:24 and a half inches
head:16inches around

she has grown since then, but what baby doesn't.
She also is learning how to roll from her tummy to her back, and she makes a really big effort to crawl, but she is not quite there yet she kind of does this inching thing, its cute. She's growing and thats a good thing, but we're sad to see her get bigger cause it reminds us of the day we had her and how it just seems like a hop, skip and, a jump to now. CRAZY! She's our little angel.

Well there is the Maguire clan update and I hope you all enjoyed it! We hope all is well with your families and that your having a safe and happy holidays. Will write again as soon as we can!

Love you all!
The Maguires