Friday, June 20, 2008

Running! Running! Running!

Wow its been a while! Sorry :(

Well Joe got a job that we're sticking with for quite some time. Its got great hours and great pay so we can't complain. He is now working as a loader at the Pepsi Company and he really like his job........ okay so he doesn't like being sore all of the time, but he likes what he does. I'm just happy that he is finally happy with the job he has.

Raylee is getting bigger and bigger! I'm so sad I don't want my little girl to grow up, but it has to happen sometime....... She is 11 months old today! She has a month left and she will be 1 year old! Wow where does the time go she has grown so much since last summer, and she is even getting attitude now, so I have to make sure I keep her in check and make sure she still knows who the mom is. She is funny and energetic, and she jabbers all day long, she'll tell you story after story that you can count on. She loves to chew on everything, and she even will chew on kitchen towels and blankies that we have given her. Oh and she is finally walking people!!!!!!! Its very fun to watch her take a couple of steps, fall, and then get back up and so it all over again. She is walking right now as I write, she is carrying around a beach ball its pretty funny. We love her, she si such a joy to have around.

Not much else to say we're just busy with summer activities and having fun watching Raylee grow. Stay tuned we're going to the zoo next weekend I'll let you all know how that one goes. LOL!

I'll Upload some photos for you all later

Love you all!
The maguire Family