Monday, January 3, 2011

Its a New Year!!!

Hello out there to all of you special, wonderful people.
Well since it is no longer 2010 and we are now into 2011, I thought I would take some time to let you l know what is going on in the lives of the Maguire's.

Brianna is getting more adorable every day she now has 4 top teeth and 4 bottome teeth two of which just started coming in yesterday and they are shooting up like lightening bolts. She now say Mama, Dada, Hi, No. She actually has her own little personality and mind now, it makes me sad to see her growing up especially since I feel like missed her first year of growing up due to being so dedicated to my burn I got when I had her It makes my heart break so I'm hoping I get to spend 2011 gettng to watch her grow and become a happier little spirit.

Raylee is no longer in nursery which makes me sad to see her grow up, but I'm glad to say that she is now a sunbeam, and she had her first class on Sunday, she said she enjoyed it, and I'm ver proud of her. She is learning things very quickly and picking a lot of things up well. We bought her and iXL for Christmas which is a learning gaming system, and she loves to play with it sometimes a little too much to the point where we are having to tell her to put it up. I would normally have a problem with her playing things too much, but since it is a tol of learning and she is learning so much! I don't realy mind it. I love it when she comes up to me after she draws the letters by her self and says so proudly, "Mom, look what I did, look!" I look and sure enough she has written the letter right. Its amazing to me. I love her so much it is going to break my heart when she is in pre school this fall, but I know it will be for the best. She does have a sassiness about her which concerns me slightely I just don't want her getting into trouble, but she has been doing ver well around other people she doesn't bck talk them, its just Dad, Mom, and Grandpa and Grandma she tests the most!

Joe has been busy at work so much to tell you the truth I rarely see him I think all of 2010 there was not one work day that he didn't work at least 10 hours or more! It has been tough on our relationship as well as the kids, but some how we have managed to make things work. Even though it has required a lot of sacrifice from everyone in our famnily it has been a blessing, because I know we could not survive with out his job, and feel blessed that he even has a job, because there are those out there who don't have a job, and so it makes us feel even more watched over by Heavenly Father, and we are really Thankful! Other than that, Joe has struggled with sickness through out 2010 so here is to hoping that he has a healthier immune system in 2011. Joe has truly been a blessing in my life, and I don't think people realize how much we have been through together it is amazing to me how much we have over come and how much stronger we are together as a couple.

I always go back to the time, where I was standing in that apartment parking lot in West Virginia before I left him ot knowing if he would follow me back home, and I remember him saying don't worry I'm going to be with you soon I will not miss anything. I left him crying, I cried for days on a bus, and when I got home I cried... I remember sitting in my bedroom and thinking to myself here I am 19 alone and pregnant, I didn't know if we would ever see each other again. We talked on the phone for a month and then finally his mom caved and let him come and be with me. The biggest blessing that ever happened was he got to Idaho, the morning of my very first doctors appointment, and we both got to see Raylee for the first time together. I had actually forgotten about that story but that was the most important moment in our relationship and I thought you all needed to know how special of a man my husband really is. He could have not fought for me at all, and just moved on with his life in West Viginia and not have come over here to be with me, I thought I would never see him, and he fought to be with me. He is truly the greatest man in my life. Here we are together 4 years later almost 5 and still going strong. He is amazing and he sacrifices so much for the me and the kids, I truly couldn't ask for anyone better in my life. We sure do love our Daddy!

As for me, it is actually quite funny the end of 2009 bought a baby and a burn. 2010 brought dealing with a burn and keeping up with 2 kids, so here is to hoping that 2011 treats me kind.
I feel truly blessed. I was reading my friend Erica's blog, and if you don't follow her, you should! Her first post was amazing she had faced so much and still found the blessings in her life, and that is my goal for 2011 to look for the blessings around every corner no matter how hard life gets I'm going to try to look for the lords little blessings he is giving me along he way. I hope everone has a happy and safe 2011. I wish you all joy and as much happiness as you can stand!

Until next time!
The Maguire's