Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A kick in the butt from my sis!

Okay so my sister has been itching to get me to update my blog........ so here goes nothing.

We have had a very boring last couple of months, not much has changed same as usual just doing the same things day in and day out.

I have still been dealing with my burn that I got almost a year ago when I had Brianna. I don't remember if I wrote on here what happened, but here is a quick refresher:

I went into to have Brianna and after having Brianna I had a sore jaw, so sore that the nurse went and got me a hot IV pack to put on my jaw, I had it on my jaw, and then the nurses were asking me to sign papers, Brianna's temperature was dropping, and my husband, being the best man that he is was asking me what I would like to eat. So what happens I set the hot IV pack down to deal with all the craziness, then a pillow got put over it and I didn't realize it was there. It sat for a good 30 minutes just enough time to give me severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns..... oh yeah if you are asking how in the world did you not feel something hot and burny, burning your leg Kiersten???? Its because I had a little thing called epidural..... GOD BLESS THE EPIDURAL!!!!!! If anyone is wondering if I will ever get one again, the answer is....................... yes please!!!! LOL!!!!!!

So now fast forward through this whole ordeal after having 4 wound vacs to suck my wound to the surface, 2 surgeries, and a lot of scrapping and miserable pain not to mention now I'm going to hyperbarics which is just boring and to me a complete waste of my time, we are now down to one miserable little spot that just seems to not want to go away!!!!!!!! The hospital wants to get this thing nipped in the bud and well quite frankly SO DO I!!!!!!!! I'm tired of going into wound care and now I'm going in 7 days a week which is becoming very stressful and hard on Joe and I and my mom who has been very generous to watch the girls for me. Hopefully I will just be done with this whole ordeal before Christmas!!!!!!!! That would be the best Christmas present EVER!!!!!!

Anyways enough about my pathetic problems........

Onto the light of my eye, and love of my life!!!!!! My hubby!!!!!!! Joe is doing well he is sick right now with a cold actually all the family is, but we're managing....... Anyways he is trying to enjoy working at Pepsi, but it is not an easy job..... It has long hard hours which takes a toll on him and me and he has a hard time getting along with his co workers, but we know there isn't really anything else out there right now that will pay as good as what he is getting paid, and we are just grateful to have a job, with the economy being the way that it is and seeing people without work we feel like we are very blessed to have a job, we thank Heavenly Father every day for his job!!!! Joe knows that he may hate his job, but he always looks at it as he could not have one at all, and then where would we be????? Trust me he has had some pretty horrible jobs before, and we were really worried how we were going to make it, so its nice that joe has a job that takes care of the bills and puts food on the table.
Joe has also been amazing through all of this wound care stuff, yes there has been times where I would like to strangle him for having attitude about it, but I realize that it is just as hard on him as it is me, and that his complaining is just his way of letting off steam abut the whole situation, but he is amazing and wonderful to me and the girls.... I don't know what I would do with out him! Shout out to my HUNNY!!!!! Love you BOO!!!!

Onto the 3 year old, and OH MY GOODNESS she is definitely 3!!!!!! Raylee is finally some what potty trained she is still having so bowel problems, but will work through those hopefully, she keeps saying if I use the potty I get to go to pre-school and mom I want to go to pre-school!!!! She is so excited for that I, on the other hand am not, but I know it will be good for her and for me!!!!! She is still having trouble sleeping at night in her bed!!!! She starts out in her own bed, and some how ends up in our bed at 1 or 2 in the morning..... which leaves Joe and I with very sore backs!!!!

Onto my almost one year old!!!!!! Brianna is doing amazing!!!!! We love her so much she is now walking on her own some what she falls on her butt every now and then and just decides to crawl, because hey....... its easier than trying to get back up and walk again, but she is getting better at it everyday!!!! I'm so sad she has grown up so fast and I have missed so much due to my burn........ it makes me cry everyday to know that I missed her growing up from her little cute baby self, but I'm happy that I have her and that's really all that matters. The down side is that not having that baby time with her and watching her grow up makes me really baby hungry...... DON'T WORRY FOLKS WE'RE NOT HAVING ANYMORE, ANYTIME SOON!!!!!! No I always remind myself two is enough for now!!!! At least the kids remind me of that everyday when they're breaking things, and asking for drinks, and wanting to play games RIGHT NOW!!!!! Yes, they always keeping me going, and knowing that they are the only 2 I need for now!!!!! I love them though both of them are amazing and have such different personalities which I'm grateful that they do, because they balance each other out so well.... Raylee is a firecracker, and Brianna is my mellow child which I love so much!!!!!!!

Well there is your update sis, I now have to go wipe a booty, and take care of my house work, until next time love you all!!!

the Maguire's

Friday, October 1, 2010

Okay so maybe I'm not a blogger?!

Wow! Okay so sorry its been like almost 2 years since I've posted, but hey like I'e said before I'm not a blogger, but at least I try!

So let me give you the shortest update so you know whats been going on in our lives for the last year and 9 months.

I had another baby back in December! Yes most of you already know that! Brianna Louise Maguire was born on December 26, 2009 she weighed 6 lbs even and was 20 inches long when she was born! Yes it was a great day.......... until I got burned....... yes folks I got burned pretty badly so badly that I'm still dealing with that burn, but thats another story which I will tell in a little bit, back to Brianna. She is the most amazing little girl you could ever know she is very quiet and very soft and precious with everything she does, she has been a great addition to our family and now that she is 9 months old she is crawling, and babbling, and she's just so cute! WE LOVE HER!!!!

Raylee is now 3 years old! She turned 3 on July 20th and she has been trying to rule the roost since she was almost 2 we've been dealing with the bouts of hissy fits and back talking, but underneath it all she is still really precious and she tries to do her best everyday.
She is just about potty trained I can't say she is totally potty trained because we're still dealing with her occasionally using the bathroom in her underwear, but there has been very few accidents so I think we're getting pretty lucky.
Raylee also lovves her baby sister. I remember when she came to the hospital to see Brianna for the first time, she couldn't wait to hold her. Now that Brianna is older, Raylee loves to sneak into Brianna's bedroom in the morning and play with Brianna in her crib, I think they both look forward to it now, because if I'm the one that goes to get Brianna out of bed before Raylee has even set foot in her room, Brianna makes funny faces at me, and then looks around me to see if Raylee is on her way. Those two could not be more hilarious together, they love to play with each other, but Brianna still get on Raylee's nerves every now and then. If one is sleeping the other tries to wake the other one. They are inseperable which worries me that they will never be able to be apart from each other, but then I remind myself that its just a phase and it will pass, but I hope it doesn't for a while I love it that the love each other.
Our kids are amazing and we couldn't ask for better!

Joe is still working for Pepsi....... he is not fond of the job, but it pays the bills so we can't complain. His job however does take a toll on our family. He is at work so late that it makes him go to bed late, so we aren't spending as much time together as we should be, which in turn takes a toll on the kids and our marriage, but some how we keep making it through, so we'll just keep pushing ahead and doing our best, thats really all we can do.
He's also excited that football season has started. Joe and I will sometimes watch games together its a nice way to relax together and just reconnect. I know thats weird that we reconnect while watching football but it works for us, and I always say if its not broke don't fix it. LOL!

As for me...... I will now explain to you about my burn.

When I had Brianna, I was given an epidural. After I had given birth to Brianna my jaw was in a lot of pain, and I kept complaining, so I was given a hot IV pack to put on my jaw to take the soreness out. Well things started getting crazy. Nurses were asking me to sign papers, Brianna was being whisked back to the warmer, because her temprature was droping, and Joe being the fabulous husband that he is was asking me what I would like to eat. So what happened??? I set the hot IV pack down unaware how hot it was, and then to make matters worse a pillow got set over the hot IV pack. Needless to say I got burned good! I had second to third degree burns on this one spot of my body. It has been a gruling 9 months to say the least..... It started with me being scraped every other day which is where they go with this sharp tool and scrap the wound area...... yeah doesn't feel so great. Then it was onto an apple graph with a wound vac placed over it because the wound wasn't healing......... that didn't work either, so it was onto a plastic surgeon and surgery #1 which was very successful except for in one spot, so then I was sent to an infectious disease doctor who then sent me to have an MRI which revealed not much, then we were back to the plastic surgeon who did surgery #2, which sadly failed we were hoping that it would work seeing as how the first surgery was so successful, but it just didn't work the wound reopened and this time it was bigger and deeper! So it was back to wound care I wore a wound vac for 2 weeks to bring the wound to the surface, and after that I have been in a lot of pain all up and down my leg so they recently sent me in for another MRI which again revealed nothing! Today I had it scraped again, and I still have no reason as to why I'm in so much pain!? Its hard and I have spent many nights crying and not being able to sleep! It makes me appreciate others who hae to endure things much worse, it has been a very humbling yet painful experience. I know it has made me a better person....... It just makes me sad, that most of Brianna's first year and Raylee's childhood has been spent dealing with something that was totally preventable it makes me cry everytime I think about what I have missed and what I couldn't do for them, it has been very frustrating, but I'm still alive and have plenty more memories to make with the kids....... I always have to look at the glass half whole or else I feel very, very upset. I'm trying to be happy, but its hard to be happy when your dealing with something that has been so drawn out and tiring..... Still I'm pushing through and I know that it will make me stronger as a person, and hopefully bring my family closer together.

I love you all and I'm thankful for everyones prayers, and all that you guys have done for us! We love you all! Until next time!

Love the Maguires!