Saturday, October 27, 2007

Better late than never

Well we just discovered Blogspot and I decided that the Maguire family needed to have a blog so we can keep you posted on whats going on in our lives. Let me get you updated, but before I do the above pictures are of Raylee when she was born and there is one picture of her at 2 months old so enjoy them. Now on with the update.

Joe and I got married on June 8, 2007 at the Parkwood ward church building. We were married by my bishop, Bishop Burger. We were very happy to be getting married after a year and four months of dating, and a 9 month engagment. It was a crazy year for us to get through, so we were happy to be getting married. It was a great day for us and we were happy to share it with all those who came.

Then came July it was hot, and I was just tired of being pregnant. We waited patiently every day and hoped that would be the day that our little baby girl would be born, but sure enough she made us wait tell 4 days before her due date to arrive. I went into labor on July 19th it was 12:20 in the afternoon, and my water broke, but I didn't know that it had. I went in to be checked around 3:30 and we found out the my water had broke, but I was nowhere near ready to have her, and that it was going to be 24 hours or more before I would deliver, but since my water had broke I had to go up to the hospital and be hooked up to monitors, lay in bed, and wait. We went through the night with no baby, and no progress I hadn't dialated very much, and by morning my doctor thought that I was going to have to have a C-section if I didn't dialate more. The lord was watching out for me because finally by 10:30 that morning I had dialated more, and I was ready for an epidural YAY! I had already been in labor for 22 hours and I was ready to just have some relief and get some well needed rest. Finally at 6:35 that night, after 30 hours of labor our baby girl decided to show herself. I had to have help getting her here she had to have a suction cup stuck to the top of her head that explaines why she looks like a cone head in her photos. Raylee Elizabeth Carolyn Maguire was born on July 20th. Here is how she measured up:

Name: Raylee Elizabeth Carolyn Maguire
Weight: 6lbs 15oz
Length: 21 inches
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

She is a great baby and we love her. She is now 3 months old and is starting to show her personality more and more each day! She is a keeper !!

Joe is working at Walmart he has a night stocking position, and he is working really hard. Its a nice job for us, he gets to comehome sleep, and then spend time with I and Raylee, so he doesn't really miss out on Raylee's appointments or anything, just her sleeping. LOL!

I stay at home and take care of Raylee while Joe sleeps and help witht he house work, and laundry. Right now I'm doing some apartment hunting so Joe and I can find a place that we can call our own. Other than that I'm just hanging out andhelping where ever I'm needed.
Each day is a new adventure for us, and we love every second that we have together, we don't have as much time as we'd like to spend together, but when we do have time, we make it count.
Thats all for now, but I will try to update every week.
We love you all and hope all is well, and we'll write later!


Sister Brittster said...

Kierstybear my love! Thanks so much for creating a blog, it is so nice to hear things are going well...even though we pretty much talk every day, it's nice to have pictures of home to make me feel more at ease! I love you guys...have fun with your bundle of joy!