Monday, November 5, 2007

Busy, Busy, Bees

Well we've been really busy lately trying to get ready to go to Aaron and Holly's wedding. With a baby it seems to take 3 weeks just to make sure you will have everything you need, your husband needs, and your baby needs, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Keeping up with our crazy schedules has kept us running around in circles. Joe finally has the next two days off so hopefully the running will be brought to a hault......... Never mind too much to do our running is never done.

Raylee is growing like a weed and is as cute as a button, she knows what she wants and when she wants it. She is almost 4 months old now and will have to go in for her shots on the 20th of November. Joe and I hate when she has to get her shots. I usually cover my eyes when she gets them, and Joe holds her while she screams. I don't know there is just something about seeing Raylee in pain and crying that makes me cry, I guess its because she was in my stomach for 9 months and you never want to see someone hurt that you share that close of a bond with.
Raylee also has a cold again for the second time, it went away and she seemed to be doing fine, but 2 weeks later it came back, so now its humidifiers and vicks baby rub.
Parent hood is a crazy ride, but Joe and I wouldn't change it for the world we love our little girl, she means so much to us!
Joe is working very hard, at work and on the home front. He has been such a great husband and father, I couldn't ask for anyone better. I got sick this week and ended up in the hospital and sure enough Joe was there to take care of I and the baby, sometimes I wonder how he does it? I know its cause he loves me so much but I also know that taking care of two people is not an easy task, but he has truly been a blessing and I love him more than anything.
As mentioned before, yes...... I ended up in the hospital with a breathing problem, I couldn't breath and I still am having problems. The doctors still don't know if there is a bloodclot in my lung, or if its my asthma acting up either way it has not been fun for me or the rest of the fam. I'm being hard headed as usual and I'm not allowing people to help me much. I like to do things myself so its hard to let someone help me or bite the bullet and ask for help, but I appreciate the help I get. Other than that I've just been doing the same old things, taking care of Raylee, laundry, and house work.
Well I guess that wraps up for this weeks happenings.
Will write next week see yall later!


Sister Brittster said...

Ohhh my love! Hang in there, I just had an MMR myself, I promise it only burns for like 5 seconds and then its done! I'll be seeing you, I miss you and love you. Thanks for the update!