Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

First off we would like to say, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Well we're back from the trip to Kuna and lets just say that Joe and I never want to take a trip again! J/K
It was alot of work, but it was a lot of fun, and we at least got out of Idaho Falls for a couple of days so that was good for us.

Raylee got 3 shots 2 days ago and has been a grouch ever since, but she has had her happy moments where she just smiles and coos. She has also been taking to her dad more lately, I don't know what it is, but she is not happy until he gets home from work and can hold her, but I'm very happy that she is taking ot her dad, because Joe and I worried that she wouldn't, because of his night job. She loves him very much! She also is eating baby cereal now, and she is taking to it very well, and loves eatingfrom a spoon, but she is still trying to get the hang of it. Its just crazy how fast she is growing. We love her so much, we want her to stay our little girl for forever, but eventually she has to grow up, and we're excited to see her get bigger, and start crawlingaround it will be very exciting.

Joe has been our rock lately, going on vaction, taking Raylee to the pediatrician, and working, sometimes I wonder how he does it? He's our superman thats for sure.

we've had 2 crazy weeks full of packing and unpacking, wedding stuff for Aaron and Holly, cleaning for thanksgiving, and watching Raylee grow.
One thing is for sure it is good to be home!
Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving, and that your holiday is a safe.
We love you all!
The Maguire family


Sister Brittster said...

I am glad that Ray Ray started to perk up before I left. You have a pretty cute baby, that's all I can say!