Friday, March 14, 2008

Its been too long!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I have not updated in so long, but I'm updating now so hopefully it will make it all better!

We've had a very sick daughter on our hands these last two weeks. Raylee came down with a cold two weeks ago and we took her into the doctors, but it wasn't bad enough and there was nothing the doctor could do, and then on Tuesday night Raylee became very ill at ten P.M. and she was screaming and crying for hours. Joe and I tried everything and we even took her for two car rides. the first car ride she fell asleep and we came home and tried to go to bed, but sure enough ten minutes later she was up screaming, so we took her back out on another car ride, and she fell asleep for another long while, and then while we were out driving, she started screaming in the car, so we decided to take her to the hospital at 4:30 in the morning. She was exhausted and in a lot of pain. We took her in and come to find out she had two full blown ear infections and her cold had gotten worse, but luckily they were able to put her on some numbing ear drops and antibiotics, and they gave her motrin and tylenol to make her feel better, and she was a much happier Raylee after she got the numbing ear drops put in her ears, and she finally went to sleep. We are so lucky and blessed that it wasn't anything worse than the ear infections and cold to where she would have had to stay in the hospital. We are just so thrilled that Raylee is starting to feel better, and we hope she continuses to get better.

Joe has seen his better days as well. Aside from not getting much sleep, he is also dealing with wrist problems and back aches, but I guess thats something you deal with when you work stocking shelves, but he is making the best of everything and trying to get through it all. He has been such a great husband and father. Raylee and I are very blessed to have him in our lives, he takes such good care of both of us, and we love him very much!

I have been running around trying to settle into our new apartment. yes that right ladies and gentlemen we moved into our own place finally! It has been a very crazy expierence. I have been worn out from that, and then Raylee getting sick, and having to be up with her has been very tiring, but all of it has been very humbling for me, and well worth it. I love having a place to call my own, even if I'm not over there all the time it has still been very fun for me to have a project. I still have to paint the whole apartment, before I can put pictures up. So its a work in progress.

Well I guess I better be going Raylee is screaming for ear drops. Until next time!

Joe, Kiersten, and Raylee :)


Read About Michael said...

Hi Kiersten:

This is Grandma Peterson. I'm sorry about your little daughter having earache and cold. I hope she is on the mend. It sure isn't fun to see little kids cry with earache. I used to be one of them; so I can vouch that it really hurts.

We sure love you and are glad that you are making a special home for yourselves and your little daughter Raylee. We're glad you are enjoying your little family together. One couldn't ask for more than that.

Give my love to all. Grandma Peterson