Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still Sick

We took Raylee to the pediatrician today, and she still has an ear infection in her left ear. So she is back on antibiotics for another 10 days, we're crossing our fingers and hoping that it works this time around.

Joe is getting over influenza which he got last week. He was running a fever of 103 degrees and could barely stand so we had to take him in to the doctors, and I have just barely started with a cough, but luckily I have been able to hold it off by taking tylenol cold. Now all we're hoping for is that we can get over these colds, and feel better.

Aside from being sick, our easter was really fun. We celebrated easter on Saturday instead of Sunday so that our entire family could be around. Raylee and I went to Amber and Kelly's house for a family get together, Joe couldn't come because he had to work, and even though we were sad that he couldn't be there with us, we still had lots of fun. We had an easter egg hunt with Raylee's cousins. Raylee found one egg and seemed to only want that egg because she wouldn't let it go, I don't think she knew what was really going on, but she was so cute, and we had wonderful time. Thanks to Amber for making a fun filled evening.

Well other than that, things have been going well for us and we hope things are well for the rest of you. We love you all, and hope everyone had an amazing easter!
Above are some pictures of Raylee with her easter present from her Grandpa and Grandma Wadsworth, and some others we thought you all would like to see.

We'll write again soon!

The maguire's


Amber Wray said...

I love the pix. Easter was fun we're glad you could come! Raylee was so cute with that egg.