Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yeah I know I'm not good at least I try!

Well another month has passed and I haven't updated......... sorry, I'm here to update now.

To start off I would like to say that this month started off pretty crappy. Joe lost his job at

Wal Mart, and we've have been busy trying to find him a new job, but so far no good. It's been almost a whole month now and we're still looking. Things seem to happen to us when we least expect them to, and now we're just trying to make the best of it and get back on our feet. We'd really appreciate it if you would keep us in your prayers.

On a happier note, since I last wrote. Raylee has started crawling, and she can pull herself up on furniture, and stand holding onto the furiture as well. It has been lots of fun, but also a struggle, because we have to keep her away from things that she likes to go after. Joe and I finally had to move the mattress down in her crib, because she stands up in her crib and cries at night and we were afraid she was going to fall out. It just makes you realize how fast they really do grow up, and how much you really wish that they were new borns again. It seems like just yesterday we were takng her home from the hospital, and yet here she is 9 months old. ITS CRAZY!......... But we love it!

I have been my usual stressed out self. I can't seem to get my mind off my worries so I end up spending a lot of time at my parents house trying to stay busy so I don't think about it, because if I do then I go into panic mode, and I'm no use then. Other than that I've just been chasing Raylee around, and working on little projects here and there to pass the time.

Joe is missing his job, he had a great time with some of his co-workers, and he loved doing what he was doing. He literally doesn't know what to do with his time now, because he wants to be working so much. He is one of those people, that if he is not working he loses it. I think for the most part that he is at a breaking point, but he can't break because I've already broke so he is to busy fixing me. He is trying to stay strong for Raylee and I, he always makes sure that we are okay first. We love him he is our rock. Other than going stir crazy I think for the most part Joe has enjoyed being home with Raylee and I, we've had more time to spend together as a family. We go for walks, watch movies, and we actually get to talk more. So in a way it was horrible that he lost his job, but also it has been some what of a blessing.

We are all doing well, and I know that some where down the road there is good things in store for us. We will just keep praying and have faith that the best will come.

We love you all and hope all is well for your families. Until next week!

Above are some pictures of Raylee's first hair cut, her eating cake on her 9 month birthday, and jumping in her jumper.


Amber Wray said...

I love the pix especially the one of her in her jumper. She loks like, "Yah Mom you got me!" She is so adorable and we love her tons. You are in our prayers. Thanks for all of your help today. You were a lifesaver!