Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer is Flying by!

Raylee's beautiful cupcake cake done by her Aunt B.
In the words of Raylee MMMMM Yummmm French fries are good!
Raylee Opening Grandma and Grandpa's Gift!
I'm Mommy and Daddy's little present!
Need I say anymore about this picture??????

Hey everyone!~

Sorry I know I'm bad at updating this thing but just bare with me this computer isn't working that well.

Let me get everyone up to date on how the maguire family is doing.

Joe is still working at the pepsi company loading trucks and is enjoying his job, it actually gives him more time to spend with Raylee and I. It has been very fun, he was able to take us to the zoo, and he is actually able to come grocery shopping with me now which I enjoy.

However he is always coming home in pain, so that not so much fun for him, but thats the job he signed on for and he knows that. He finds ways to turn everything into a positive, but thats just how Joe is. Raylee and I couldn't live without him.

Raylee just celebrated her 1st birthday!!!!! It was so exciting, and she had so much fun. She got a catapillar learning center from Grandpa and Grandma Wadsworth, two outfits, a book, and hair bows from Aunt B, a soft baby doll, and a learning chair from Auntie Amber, Uncle Kelly, and Her cousins Austin, Macee, and Addie, and then she got a winnie the pooh piano, and a panda doll from Mom and Dad. She had lots of fun!!!!! The cup cakes were the best she smushed that all over in her face. She is still growing up, she can now climb stairs, eat solid foods, and she has been saying a couple words for the last 4 or five months. She can say Hi, Bye, Dog, Ball, Grandma, Grandpa, Da Da, Ma Ma, and Sheika, she can't saythem totally perfect but she says them some what well. She is becoming such a little cutie.

I have been busy cleaning the house and getting our apartment in order it has kinda been a mess and I'm all about organization, and keeping things neat. I also try to keep Raylee on a schedule, but it has been very hard since she has been teething, she has all of her teeth coming in at once and it has been a challenge. She actually bit me last night, and man do those teeth hurt, there sharp! We just have to keep teaching her Ouch! that hurts! and usually she will quite, but not all the time.

Anyways we've just been keeping busy, and having fun with the rest of our summer. Its been a really fun summer for us. Taking Raylee swimming and going on picnics has been the highlight of our summer. We've just had a blast!

We hope everyone enjoys the rest of there summer! We love you all!!!!

The pictures above are from Raylee's birthday! Enjoy! I'll be posting more Pictures!

Love you all!

The Maguire's


Amber Wray said...

Kiersten I am so glad you updated your blog. It is sad I only live two minutes from you but I have to catch up with you throught he blog. We need to change that! Call me you've got my digits baby. We should go to the zoo after school mone of these days before it closes. I can get you in free :) Benefits of a year long free pass. Well, I love you and Raylee is absolutely adorable. You are doing a great job as a mom and Joe is doing awesome as a dad. We love you all!!!