Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!~

WOW! Its already December where does the time go.

Well I know we don't update our blog that much, but we make a effort so thats all that counts.

Let see what have we been up to........... We moved in October to a different apartment. Our old apartment had mold growing in one of the walls, so it was in our best interest to move out. We got a great deal on our new apartment so it was somewhat a winning situation for all. Except Raylee and I now has breathing problems to where we have to keep a humidifier on at all times.
Joe is still working at Pepsi, and is trying to enjoy it, but its not a very pretty job he comes home hurting almost every night. We don't know how much longer he can hold out. We might start looking for a new job this spring, but we're not sure if we're going to find anything better especially with the wayt he economy is right now, its jusst easier to keep the job you have.

I'm busy at home working on keeping a schedule with Raylee and teaching her new words, ABC's, and playing with her. she keeps me so busy that I look forward to nap time and bed time, but at the same time she is such a joy to have around.

Raylee keeps growing, and is taller than most kids her age, and over her age. My parents joke with me that pretty soon she is going to be taller than me, which I'm pretty sure that she will be taller than me seeing as how I'm only 5'2 and haven't grown in like 6 years. As always she is so muc fun to watch grow and get bigger and to hear her say new words and say new things is so much fun. There is nothing more rewarding than being a parent.

Well I hate to run but its dinner time. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and that all your dreams come true!

Love Ya all!!!!!!

The Maguire Fam

Sorry there are no pictures yet I forgot my camera at home and I'm at my parents I'll try and put pictures up soon!


Sister Brittster said...

Nice to see that you even remember you have a blog! LOL! Hugs and loves chica!