Friday, January 30, 2009

Keep on going!

Hey everyone!~

Sorry I don't update as often as I should, but hey I'm only human!

Raylee is now a year and a half old!!!! Wow where does the time go????? She is so cute and says and does the funniest things. She makes us laugh all the time, she is just this barrel of fun that keeps us on our toes. We love her so much!!! We've also discovered that there are things that have gotten easier as she has gotten older and things that have gotten harder. For instance She is very self dependent now so it makes it easier for us to get around, get things done, and there isn't much to hassle with. It has gotten harder in the ways of testing us, she not has and opinion and says no to a lot of things and she can raise a little heck from time to time. We have now started the naughty corner and she actually does go to the naughty corner daily, she's going to make a fine teenager someday. Its a joy being a parent none the less and I enjoy every moment I have with Raylee. She is truly a blessing!!!!!!!

Joe is still working at Pepsi. He is doing well aside from the aches and pains that he has due to the cold weather and work. He is excited for the Super Bowl! GO STEELERS!!!! We are going to watch it with my parents and one of my Dad's friends, and have a big ole' pizza party so it should be fun. Joe loves football, and has started to get me interested which is so weird because I never liked football. I was always the one to flip past the channels with football playing on them, but now that I'm forced to watch football I'm addicted!

I'm doing well......... Yeah right! J/K No I'm just really burnt out and tired, I need a vacation horribly!!!! So hopefully here soon I will get that much needed R&R!!!! I'm just really obsessive compulsive about keeping my house clean and everything in order and my daughter fed, bathed, clothed and happy. It becomes a lot for one person to handle, but I'm managing very well, and Joe helps out when he is not working or sleeping but thats not often!!!! I love him though! :)

We're having lots of fun as a family, and we can't wait for some warmer weather so we can get out and get rid of this cabin fever we've got.
Anyways thats all for now, we love you all and hope all is well!
Take care!!!!! We'll write soon!!!!!

Love the Maguires