Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!~

WOW! Its already December where does the time go.

Well I know we don't update our blog that much, but we make a effort so thats all that counts.

Let see what have we been up to........... We moved in October to a different apartment. Our old apartment had mold growing in one of the walls, so it was in our best interest to move out. We got a great deal on our new apartment so it was somewhat a winning situation for all. Except Raylee and I now has breathing problems to where we have to keep a humidifier on at all times.
Joe is still working at Pepsi, and is trying to enjoy it, but its not a very pretty job he comes home hurting almost every night. We don't know how much longer he can hold out. We might start looking for a new job this spring, but we're not sure if we're going to find anything better especially with the wayt he economy is right now, its jusst easier to keep the job you have.

I'm busy at home working on keeping a schedule with Raylee and teaching her new words, ABC's, and playing with her. she keeps me so busy that I look forward to nap time and bed time, but at the same time she is such a joy to have around.

Raylee keeps growing, and is taller than most kids her age, and over her age. My parents joke with me that pretty soon she is going to be taller than me, which I'm pretty sure that she will be taller than me seeing as how I'm only 5'2 and haven't grown in like 6 years. As always she is so muc fun to watch grow and get bigger and to hear her say new words and say new things is so much fun. There is nothing more rewarding than being a parent.

Well I hate to run but its dinner time. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and that all your dreams come true!

Love Ya all!!!!!!

The Maguire Fam

Sorry there are no pictures yet I forgot my camera at home and I'm at my parents I'll try and put pictures up soon!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer is Flying by!

Raylee's beautiful cupcake cake done by her Aunt B.
In the words of Raylee MMMMM Yummmm French fries are good!
Raylee Opening Grandma and Grandpa's Gift!
I'm Mommy and Daddy's little present!
Need I say anymore about this picture??????

Hey everyone!~

Sorry I know I'm bad at updating this thing but just bare with me this computer isn't working that well.

Let me get everyone up to date on how the maguire family is doing.

Joe is still working at the pepsi company loading trucks and is enjoying his job, it actually gives him more time to spend with Raylee and I. It has been very fun, he was able to take us to the zoo, and he is actually able to come grocery shopping with me now which I enjoy.

However he is always coming home in pain, so that not so much fun for him, but thats the job he signed on for and he knows that. He finds ways to turn everything into a positive, but thats just how Joe is. Raylee and I couldn't live without him.

Raylee just celebrated her 1st birthday!!!!! It was so exciting, and she had so much fun. She got a catapillar learning center from Grandpa and Grandma Wadsworth, two outfits, a book, and hair bows from Aunt B, a soft baby doll, and a learning chair from Auntie Amber, Uncle Kelly, and Her cousins Austin, Macee, and Addie, and then she got a winnie the pooh piano, and a panda doll from Mom and Dad. She had lots of fun!!!!! The cup cakes were the best she smushed that all over in her face. She is still growing up, she can now climb stairs, eat solid foods, and she has been saying a couple words for the last 4 or five months. She can say Hi, Bye, Dog, Ball, Grandma, Grandpa, Da Da, Ma Ma, and Sheika, she can't saythem totally perfect but she says them some what well. She is becoming such a little cutie.

I have been busy cleaning the house and getting our apartment in order it has kinda been a mess and I'm all about organization, and keeping things neat. I also try to keep Raylee on a schedule, but it has been very hard since she has been teething, she has all of her teeth coming in at once and it has been a challenge. She actually bit me last night, and man do those teeth hurt, there sharp! We just have to keep teaching her Ouch! that hurts! and usually she will quite, but not all the time.

Anyways we've just been keeping busy, and having fun with the rest of our summer. Its been a really fun summer for us. Taking Raylee swimming and going on picnics has been the highlight of our summer. We've just had a blast!

We hope everyone enjoys the rest of there summer! We love you all!!!!

The pictures above are from Raylee's birthday! Enjoy! I'll be posting more Pictures!

Love you all!

The Maguire's

Friday, June 20, 2008

Running! Running! Running!

Wow its been a while! Sorry :(

Well Joe got a job that we're sticking with for quite some time. Its got great hours and great pay so we can't complain. He is now working as a loader at the Pepsi Company and he really like his job........ okay so he doesn't like being sore all of the time, but he likes what he does. I'm just happy that he is finally happy with the job he has.

Raylee is getting bigger and bigger! I'm so sad I don't want my little girl to grow up, but it has to happen sometime....... She is 11 months old today! She has a month left and she will be 1 year old! Wow where does the time go she has grown so much since last summer, and she is even getting attitude now, so I have to make sure I keep her in check and make sure she still knows who the mom is. She is funny and energetic, and she jabbers all day long, she'll tell you story after story that you can count on. She loves to chew on everything, and she even will chew on kitchen towels and blankies that we have given her. Oh and she is finally walking people!!!!!!! Its very fun to watch her take a couple of steps, fall, and then get back up and so it all over again. She is walking right now as I write, she is carrying around a beach ball its pretty funny. We love her, she si such a joy to have around.

Not much else to say we're just busy with summer activities and having fun watching Raylee grow. Stay tuned we're going to the zoo next weekend I'll let you all know how that one goes. LOL!

I'll Upload some photos for you all later

Love you all!
The maguire Family

Friday, May 9, 2008

Its Getting Better!

Raylee in her jumper!

Lounging and watching Her favorite show

They're partners in Crime

Petting the puppy

She learned to stick her tounge out at us

Things are looking up for us. Joe found a job, its not glamorous or anything but it will pay the bills, and its just until we can find a job that he will enjoy. For now he is working hard, and not liking it very much. He got use to working nights and so he would stay up at night, now he is working days, and having to change his sleeping schedule, its been very difficult on him.

We've been busy lately helping out our family, it has been a very rewarding experience for us, and we love helping our family out anyway we can. We got to hang out with our nieces and nephew and play games and put together puzzles and chase them all over the place. If anything it is giving us expierence for when we have more kids. Shout out to the coolest kids ever! Austin, Macee, Addie YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!! We love you SO MUCH!!!!!!

I've been helping mom out for these past couple of days, because of her osteoperosis (hope I spelled that right) in her hip she hasn't been able to walk, so I've been helping clean the house, make meals, and just be around to help her where I can.

Raylee is still growing, she went in for her 9 month check up last month...... No Shots YAY!!!!! Anyways she was 27 inches tall, and they couldn't get her to stretch out all the way, so she is pretty tall. She is sick right now with some sort of cold, I feel bad because this is the sixth time she has been sick in like a 3 month period, I can't seem to keep her well. It makes me very sad.

She still hasn't cut any teeth yet, but I'm sure she'll be getting some teeth in soon, because she has been going through some signs of teething. She is becoming a little cutie thats for sure, she does something everyday to make us laugh, we are so blessed to have her in our life.

Well that about wraps it up for us. I've gotta go put lunch on for the fam.

up top are some pictures of Raylee.

Hope everyone has a gr8t weekend!!!!!

The Maguires

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yeah I know I'm not good at least I try!

Well another month has passed and I haven't updated......... sorry, I'm here to update now.

To start off I would like to say that this month started off pretty crappy. Joe lost his job at

Wal Mart, and we've have been busy trying to find him a new job, but so far no good. It's been almost a whole month now and we're still looking. Things seem to happen to us when we least expect them to, and now we're just trying to make the best of it and get back on our feet. We'd really appreciate it if you would keep us in your prayers.

On a happier note, since I last wrote. Raylee has started crawling, and she can pull herself up on furniture, and stand holding onto the furiture as well. It has been lots of fun, but also a struggle, because we have to keep her away from things that she likes to go after. Joe and I finally had to move the mattress down in her crib, because she stands up in her crib and cries at night and we were afraid she was going to fall out. It just makes you realize how fast they really do grow up, and how much you really wish that they were new borns again. It seems like just yesterday we were takng her home from the hospital, and yet here she is 9 months old. ITS CRAZY!......... But we love it!

I have been my usual stressed out self. I can't seem to get my mind off my worries so I end up spending a lot of time at my parents house trying to stay busy so I don't think about it, because if I do then I go into panic mode, and I'm no use then. Other than that I've just been chasing Raylee around, and working on little projects here and there to pass the time.

Joe is missing his job, he had a great time with some of his co-workers, and he loved doing what he was doing. He literally doesn't know what to do with his time now, because he wants to be working so much. He is one of those people, that if he is not working he loses it. I think for the most part that he is at a breaking point, but he can't break because I've already broke so he is to busy fixing me. He is trying to stay strong for Raylee and I, he always makes sure that we are okay first. We love him he is our rock. Other than going stir crazy I think for the most part Joe has enjoyed being home with Raylee and I, we've had more time to spend together as a family. We go for walks, watch movies, and we actually get to talk more. So in a way it was horrible that he lost his job, but also it has been some what of a blessing.

We are all doing well, and I know that some where down the road there is good things in store for us. We will just keep praying and have faith that the best will come.

We love you all and hope all is well for your families. Until next week!

Above are some pictures of Raylee's first hair cut, her eating cake on her 9 month birthday, and jumping in her jumper.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still Sick

We took Raylee to the pediatrician today, and she still has an ear infection in her left ear. So she is back on antibiotics for another 10 days, we're crossing our fingers and hoping that it works this time around.

Joe is getting over influenza which he got last week. He was running a fever of 103 degrees and could barely stand so we had to take him in to the doctors, and I have just barely started with a cough, but luckily I have been able to hold it off by taking tylenol cold. Now all we're hoping for is that we can get over these colds, and feel better.

Aside from being sick, our easter was really fun. We celebrated easter on Saturday instead of Sunday so that our entire family could be around. Raylee and I went to Amber and Kelly's house for a family get together, Joe couldn't come because he had to work, and even though we were sad that he couldn't be there with us, we still had lots of fun. We had an easter egg hunt with Raylee's cousins. Raylee found one egg and seemed to only want that egg because she wouldn't let it go, I don't think she knew what was really going on, but she was so cute, and we had wonderful time. Thanks to Amber for making a fun filled evening.

Well other than that, things have been going well for us and we hope things are well for the rest of you. We love you all, and hope everyone had an amazing easter!
Above are some pictures of Raylee with her easter present from her Grandpa and Grandma Wadsworth, and some others we thought you all would like to see.

We'll write again soon!

The maguire's

Friday, March 14, 2008

Its been too long!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I have not updated in so long, but I'm updating now so hopefully it will make it all better!

We've had a very sick daughter on our hands these last two weeks. Raylee came down with a cold two weeks ago and we took her into the doctors, but it wasn't bad enough and there was nothing the doctor could do, and then on Tuesday night Raylee became very ill at ten P.M. and she was screaming and crying for hours. Joe and I tried everything and we even took her for two car rides. the first car ride she fell asleep and we came home and tried to go to bed, but sure enough ten minutes later she was up screaming, so we took her back out on another car ride, and she fell asleep for another long while, and then while we were out driving, she started screaming in the car, so we decided to take her to the hospital at 4:30 in the morning. She was exhausted and in a lot of pain. We took her in and come to find out she had two full blown ear infections and her cold had gotten worse, but luckily they were able to put her on some numbing ear drops and antibiotics, and they gave her motrin and tylenol to make her feel better, and she was a much happier Raylee after she got the numbing ear drops put in her ears, and she finally went to sleep. We are so lucky and blessed that it wasn't anything worse than the ear infections and cold to where she would have had to stay in the hospital. We are just so thrilled that Raylee is starting to feel better, and we hope she continuses to get better.

Joe has seen his better days as well. Aside from not getting much sleep, he is also dealing with wrist problems and back aches, but I guess thats something you deal with when you work stocking shelves, but he is making the best of everything and trying to get through it all. He has been such a great husband and father. Raylee and I are very blessed to have him in our lives, he takes such good care of both of us, and we love him very much!

I have been running around trying to settle into our new apartment. yes that right ladies and gentlemen we moved into our own place finally! It has been a very crazy expierence. I have been worn out from that, and then Raylee getting sick, and having to be up with her has been very tiring, but all of it has been very humbling for me, and well worth it. I love having a place to call my own, even if I'm not over there all the time it has still been very fun for me to have a project. I still have to paint the whole apartment, before I can put pictures up. So its a work in progress.

Well I guess I better be going Raylee is screaming for ear drops. Until next time!

Joe, Kiersten, and Raylee :)